SoulLed - 1-1 for SoulLed Members
Cancellation Policy
Well done! Looking forward to seeing you :) Please arrive on time for your session. If you come earlier please wait until you're called in, just incase I'm completing with a client in clinic or via a call. Thank you!! IMPORTANT RE PAYMENT - PLEASE NOTE = Please bring cash on the day (I don't have eftpos) or alternatively, make payment to Silver and Co 2017 Ltd 15-3946-0374832-10 now. Please reference your surname as per your booking and the date of booking. Thank you so much for helping keep this process simple! CLINICS: In person appointments are at SoulAra Sound, 1233 Egmont Road, Egmont Village Online Bookings will have a zoom link sent Booking times are in NZST unless you changed to your time in the website prior to booking. Booking policy: Booking is confirmed via email. Please book it into your calendar.
Contact Details
1276 Egmont Road, Egmont Village, New Zealand
1276 Egmont Road, Egmont Village 4372, New Zealand