Cosmic Clearing and Activation session
Service Description
If you're feeling low in energy, foggy, it is a great time to clear away these parts of you that are clinging too, which are limiting your greatest potency. In this session we will clear and activate, through cosmic guidance, re awakening the human vessel that you are! This is great for vitality and energy! ONLINE ONE
Cancellation Policy
Well done! Looking forward to seeing you :) Please arrive on time for your session. If you come earlier please wait until you're called in, just incase I'm completing with a client in clinic or via a call. Thank you!! Your can make payment to the below account OR bring exact cash on the day Silver and Co 2017 Ltd 15-3946-0374832-10 Please reference your surname as per your booking and the date of booking. Thank you so much for helping keep this process simple! CLINICS: In person appointments are at SoulAra Sound, 1233 Egmont Road, Egmont Village Online Bookings will have a zoom link sent Booking times are in NZST unless you changed to your time in the website prior to booking. Booking policy: Booking is confirmed via email. Please book it into your calendar.
Contact Details
1233 Egmont Road, Egmont Village, New Zealand